Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New California NPDES Permit

I wanted to provide a quick overview of the New California NPDES Permit, and how it will impact estimators, project managers and field personnel. Initially there are 8 points to consider.
1st. Tier 1, 2, 3, Risk Assessment of the project site. 2nd. Turbidity & pH testing for all Tier 2 & 3 sites. 3rd. NEL's, Numeric Effluent Limits, have been established for the state. 4th. NAL's, Numeric Action Levels have been established for the state. 5th. REAP, Rain Event Action Plans, will be required for all Tier 2 & 3 sites. 6th. Receiving Water and Bioassessment evaluation and testing for some Tier 3 sites. 7th. State Standardized Exams for QSP, Qualified Stormwater Practitioner, and QSD, Qualified Stormwater Developer. 8th. Electronic submission of all PRD's. All in all a good collection of new standards, requiring a much deeper understanding of Storm Water related Documentation, BMP's, Inspection and run-off. People will need serious training to comply on each project site, and the state claims it will balance the budget with the fines levied against violators...just kidding, maybe?