Friday, September 5, 2014

September 2014 A New Rainy Season Approaches

There has been much talk this year with regards to the drought in the Southwest, and especially here in Southern California. The grapevine says that the Pacific is warming up with the possible result that we may have an El Nino year...and yet I have heard contrary info as well. The answer is, I don't know and I wonder if anyone does.

When I teach classes, I often ask whether climate change/global warming is real, just to get a sense of the people. Without fail, I will get one or two class participants declaring that climate change is a grand hoax perpetrated by the left. I then ask where they get their information from...and without hesitation they gleefully admit getting all their information from Mr. Murdoch, and his staff of "Fair and Balanced" reporters.

With all the anomalous weather over the last few years including the warming of the oceans, I honestly don't know the answer, but what I do know is that I prefer clean air and water over the alternative. If there is the possibility that these climate issues are real, I would rather err on the proactive side in favor of clean air and water.

The noise machine has confused the issue to the point where people question whether climate change/global warming is real, which is not the question, the question is whether we (mankind) are directly contributing to it. Mr. Murdoch and his "Fair and Balanced" reporters have been paid to confuse us with the wrong issue. At some point, even in the backward looking States, the people will come to realize, after some significant unnatural-natural disaster, that their politicians have not been entirely honest, and that pandering to bias and ignorance has done more harm than good.

Who is paying for all the misinformation? Who gains by misinforming the public? Remember the misinformation campaigns of the 50's and 60,s which tried to convince us that cigarettes did not cause cancer, and 9 out 10 doctors preferred Camels. Who paid for those campaigns, and funded the politicians that kept us in the dark...follow the money?