Thursday, April 10, 2014

Storm Water Thoughts...Caltrans changes SWPPP template again, and I like it.

Caltrans has been at it again updating the template, and I think they might have gotten it right this time. Originally the Tahoe SWPPP Template used an Access Data Base for input and that was a little challenging because it felt like a beta version of the template...but ultimately we got through it. Now the non-Tahoe SWPPP and WPCP Template have also been updated with an Access Data Base for filling in the template, and it worked. Well in fact it worked really well, and didn't feel like a temperamental beta version, but a smooth functioning application. The only problem so far, apparently the reviewer on a recent SWPPP project didn't get the memo on the new template and based his evaluation on one of the 2012 template. Now I know that this may sound like a complaint, but it is in fact an ironic moment, in that Caltrans is extremely prescriptive with their templates forbidding all comers from deviating from the boilerplate language in the template. In fact the reviewers are often less than helpful in interpreting the latest nuance and often wonder why anyone outside of Caltrans doesn't find their arcane interpretation of the moment "intuitively obvious". So, I am now waiting to see if this reviewer wishes to have me rewrite the SWPPP using a template from 2012, or do as I have learned to do prior to each new Caltrans project, go to their website.. anyone including Caltrans that needs the the link, here it is:



  1. Do you know when the new templates became official?

  2. You provide a nice blog about a thing that i need. Thank you for such a nice blog. Every word of this blog helps me to give details about SWPPP. Visit: SWPPP

  3. They just updated both the SWPPP and WPCP templates on their site dated April 6, 2016 and April 7, 2016.
