Recently I stopped in at a local electronics store and noticed that the adjoining construction site was not protecting the inlets and perimeter properly. I find it interesting that in this day and age, in Orange County that I would see such a poor implementation of basic BMP's. It's one thing to have properly installed BMP's fail when you have a sudden heavy rain, it's another to choose not to properly implement and install them in the first place. The problem is pretty basic, either because of ignorance or neglect this contractor looks like they don't care enough to protect the perimeter and the storm drain system. You say, so what a little dirt goes down the storm drain, along with other pollutants, but do you realize that this dirty water flows straight into the ocean with no treatment. The storm drain system is designed to take away rain water, not construction contaminated rain water. As it stands now, cities, counties, the state and therefor we the people get to pay for the clean up. It costs millions of dollars a year to maintain the storm drain system, a significant part of the clean up is from trash discarded in the street, but a significant portion of the sediments and other chemicals can be traced back to construction. If you know of any particularly nasty sights in Southern California, please share the info here so we can get on them to stop mucking up our world.
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