So now you've had time to consider Worst Practices, but what about Best Practices? What are Best Practices? Best Management Practices, BMP's are a combination of materials and procedures to minimize sediment and other pollutants from entering the storm drain system. These BMP's can be used singly or in combination with other BMP's. The following is a simple description of basic linear BMP's used to protect areas outside of the construction zone. The first consists of a Gravel Bag Berm, which typically consists of a double high line of gravel bags placed along the perimeter of a project. The objective of this Bag Berm is to slow rain related run-off long enough that the sediments settle or dropout behind the bags, and that only Clear Water runs out of a site. The same objective is achieved using check dams and grave
l bag chevrons, on sloped areas with added benefit that the run-off is also slowed down sufficiently to reduce water velocity and therefore the effects of erosion on the slope surface.
As you can see from the pic on the lower right, it is far from a perfect science, but if implemented properly can go a long way to mitigating contaminated run-off.
Also keep in mind that the new EPA standards will be adopted by the revised California NPDES Permit, which in turn means your TMDLs will be much more tightly monitored.
Those inlet filter / silt bags look like they are a bit overwhelmed by all that mud & debris!